4.Silent method

The Silent Way was founded in the early 1970s by the Egyptian mathematician and educator Caleb Gattegno. It is based on the idea that language learning can be enhanced in three main ways: discovery rather than teaching; problem-solving in the target language; the use of physical tools.

This is one of my favorites because it is simple and it does not require the teacher to be a participant in the activity.This method has the main principle of giving support to the student when needed, errors are important for learning, student attention to the teacher is important, transferring students´ ideas, and progress is more important than perfection, etc. We mnade activities where we built sentences according to the color of the rod and the part of the speech. In the second class, we developed a similar activity with rods, although we created a story with the rods.

This was a fun activity performed at class where we had to create sentences using the color technique with the rods. For example: Color red: verb
Color green: Subject Color pink: Verb Color blue: Complement Color yellow: irregular verb Color white: Third person