5.Total physical response (TPR)

We use this method in classes and it was a good tool for learning vocabulary.

In this case we refer to a method of teaching language through physical activity. And also we made different activities using our body to learn vocubulary.

At the class we saw that this method is based on the teaching of its creator, James Asher, and in this case one of those concept can be that the more often a memory connection is traced, the stronger the memory association and the more likely it will be remembered.

We can think that students can learn one part of the language rapidly by moving their bodies. And also it is a fun method specially for children, making them to have a good time. In addition it does not require a great deal of preparation on the part of the teacher.

This method has disavantages since everything can't be explained. And Certain target languages may not be suited to this method At the end it can be a challenge for shy students. Finally if this method is widely used, it can cause displeasure in students.